In May 2006 a high-ranking delegation from Panyu visited the city Jena. Panyu is considered to lp as the industrial city part and the future city centre of Guangzhou (canton) lies in the center of the Perlflussdeltas, one of the economically strongest regions of China.
The Jena City Council visits China. During an eight-day visit to China in April 2007, City Council member Daniel Bohnsack (SPD) visited the cities of Peking, Panyu (part of Canton) and Hong Kong. In particular during his stay in Panyu (with about 1 Million citizens), first foundations were laid for a closer joint cooperation with the city of Jena.
In the course of this development the mayor of the city Jena, Dr. Albrecht Schroeter will likewise begin, in October 2007 a journey to China. For this also representatives from of Jena economics and science are invited, who will naturally profit from our personal contacts to high-ranking decision makers of the region.
Read more about it here.